Policy Configuration


This file contains generic default policy properties that can be configured.

  • Settings


    wireplumber.properties = {
      default-policy-move = true

    The above example will set the move policy property to true.

    The list of supported properties are:

    default-policy-move = true

    Moves session items when metadata target.node changes.

    default-policy-follow = true

    Moves session items to the default device when it has changed.

    default-policy-audio.no-dsp = false

    Set to true to disable channel splitting & merging on nodes and enable passthrough of audio in the same format as the format of the device. Note that this breaks JACK support; it is generally not recommended.

    default-policy-duck.level = 0.3

    How much to lower the volume of lower priority streams when ducking. Note that this is a linear volume modifier (not cubic as in PulseAudio).


  • Introduction

A pair of nodes will be considered filter nodes by wireplumber if they have the “node.link-group” property set to a common value. This propery is always set by PipeWire when creating filter nodes if they are defined in the PipeWire’s configuration file. The pair of nodes always consist of a stream node, and a main node. When using the filter nodes, the main node acts as a virtual device, where the audio is sent or captured to/from; and the stream node acts as a virtual stream, where the audio is sent or received to/from the next node in the graph.

For example, the media class of the nodes for a input filter would be:

  • main node: Audio/Sink

  • stream node: Stream/Output/Audio

And, if this filter is used between an application stream, and the default audio device, the graph would look like this:

application stream node  ->  filter main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)        (Audio/Sink)
filter stream node       ->  default device node
(Stream/Output/Audio)        (Audio/Sink)

On the other hand, the media class of the nodes for an output filter would be:

  • main node: Audio/Source

  • stream node: Stream/Input/Audio

And the same logic is applied if they are used, but in the opposite direction. This is how the graph would look like if an application wants to capture audio from a device that uses an input filter.

application stream node  <-  filter main node
(Stream/Input/Audio)        (Audio/Source)
filter stream node       <-  default device node
(Stream/Input/Audio)        (Audio/Source)

Finally, if multiple filters have the same direction, they can also be chained together so that the audio of a filter is sent to the input of the next filter.

Example of existing filters in PipeWire are echo-cancel, filter-chain and loopback nodes.

The next section will describe how we can define filter properties so that they are automatically linked by the wirepluber policy in any way we want.

  • Filter properties

Currently, if a filter node is created, wireplumber will check the following optional node properties on the main node:

  • filter.smart: Boolean indicating whether smart policy will be used in the filter nodes or not. This is disabled by default, therefore filter nodes will be treated as regular nodes, without applying any kid of extra logic. On the other hand, if this property is set to true, automatic (smart) filter policy will be used when linking filters. The properties below will instruct the smart policy how to link the filters automatically.

  • filter.smart.name: The unique name of the filter. WirePlumber will use the “node.link-group” property as filter name if this property is not set.

  • filter.smart.disabled: Boolean indicating whether the filter should be disabled at all or not. A disabled filter will never be used in any circumstances. If the property is not set, wireplumber will consider the filter not disabled by default.

  • filter.smart.targetable: Boolean indicating whether the filter can be directly linked with clients that have a defined target (Eg: pw-play –target <filter-name>) or not. This can be useful when a client wants to be linked with a filter that is in the middle of the chain in order to bypass the filters that are placed before the selected one. If the property is not set, wireplumber will consider the filter not targetable by default, meaning filters will never by bypassed by clients, and clients will always be linked with the first filter in the chain.

  • filter.smart.target: A JSON object that defines the matching properties of the filter’s target node. A filter target can never be another filter node (wireplumber will ignore it), and must always be a device node. If this property is not set, WirePlumber will use the default node as target.

  • filter.smart.before: A JSON array with the filters names that are supposed to be used before this filter. If not set, wireplumber will link the filters by order of creation.

  • filter.smart.after: A JSON array with the filters names that are supposed to be used after this filter. If not set, wireplumber will link the filters by order of creation.

Note that these properties must be set in the filter’s main node, not the filter’s stream node.

As an example, we will describe here how to create 2 loopback filters in the PipeWire’s configuration, with names loopback-1 and loopback-2, that will be linked with the default audio device, and use loopback-2 filter as the last filter in the chain.

The PipeWire configuration files for the 2 filters should be like this:

  • /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/loopback-1.conf:

    context.modules = [
        {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
            args = {
                node.name = loopback-1-sink
                node.description = "Loopback 1 Sink"
                capture.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    media.class = Audio/Sink
                    filter.smart = true
                    filter.smart.name = loopback-1
                    filter.smart.disabled = false
                    filter.smart.targetable = false
                    filter.smart.before = [ loopback-2 ]
                playback.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    node.passive = true
                    node.dont-remix = true
  • /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/loopback-2.conf:

    context.modules = [
        {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
            args = {
                node.name = loopback-2-sink
                node.description = "Loopback 2 Sink"
                capture.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    media.class = Audio/Sink
                    filter.smart = true
                    filter.smart.name = loopback-2
                    filter.smart.disabled = false
                    filter.smart.targetable = false
                playback.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    node.passive = true
                    node.dont-remix = true

Finally, if we restart PipeWire and WirePlumber to apply the configuration changes, and play a test.wave audio file with paplay to see if wireplumber links the filter nodes properly, the graph should look like this:

paplay node             ->  loopback-1 main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-1 stream node  ->  loopback-1 main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-2 stream node  ->  default device node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)

If we remove filter.smart.before = [ loopback-2 ] property from the loopback-1 filter, and add a filter.smart.before = [ loopback-1 ] property in the loopback-2 filter configuration file. WirePlumber should link the loopback-1 filter as the last filter in the chain, like this:

paplay node             ->  loopback-2 main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-2 stream node  ->  loopback-1 main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-1 stream node  ->  default device node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)

On the other hand, the filters can have different targets. For example, we can define the filters like this:

  • /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/loopback-1.conf:

    context.modules = [
        {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
            args = {
                node.name = loopback-1-sink
                node.description = "Loopback 1 Sink"
                capture.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    media.class = Audio/Sink
                    filter.smart = true
                    filter.smart.name = loopback-1
                    filter.smart.disabled = false
                    filter.smart.targetable = false
                    filter.smart.before = [ loopback-2 ]
                    filter.smart.target = { node.name = "not-default-audio-device-name" }
                playback.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    node.passive = true
                    node.dont-remix = true
  • /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/loopback-2.conf:

    context.modules = [
        {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
            args = {
                node.name = loopback-2-sink
                node.description = "Loopback 2 Sink"
                capture.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    media.class = Audio/Sink
                    filter.smart = true
                    filter.smart.name = loopback-2
                    filter.smart.disabled = false
                    filter.smart.targetable = false
                playback.props = {
                    audio.position = [ FL FR ]
                    node.passive = true
                    node.dont-remix = true

If this is the case, WirePlumber will link the filters like this when using paplay:

paplay node             ->  loopback-2 main node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-2 stream node  ->  default device node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)
loopback-1 stream node  ->  not-default-audio-device-name device node
(Stream/Output/Audio)       (Audio/Sink)

The loopback-1 main node will only be used if an application wants to play audio on the device node with node name “not-default-audio-device-name”.

  • Filters metadata

Similar to the default metadata, it is also possible to override the filter properties by using the “filters” metadata. This allow users to change the filters policy at runtime.

For example, if loopback-1 main node Id is 40, we can disable the filter by setting its “filter.smart.disabled” metadata key to true using the pw-metadata tool:

$ pw-metadata -n filters 40 "filter.smart.disabled" true Spa:String:JSON

We can also change the target of a filter at runtime:

$ pw-metadata -n filters 40 "filter.smart.target" { node.name = "new-target-node-name" } Spa:String:JSON

Every time a key in the filters metadata changes, all filters are unlinked and re-linked properly by the policy.